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Sierra Leone: Education Technical Consultant

Organization: Plan International UK
Country: Sierra Leone
Closing date: 30 Apr 2019

Education Technical Consultancy – Revision and Adaptation of Continuous Professional Development Materials for DFID’s Girls’ Education Challenge programme in Sierra Leone

Plan International UK leads a consortium of four organisations implementing DFID’s Girls’ Access to Education: Girls’ Education Challenge (GATE-GEC) programme in Sierra Leone, in close collaboration with the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE). The GATE-GEC project is a 4-year, DFID-funded project running from April 2017 to July 2021 that aims to support approximately 6,000 marginalised girls and children with disabilities in six districts of Sierra Leone to attend school, learn in a safe and inclusive school environment and successfully transition to further education and beyond.

Plan International UK is recruiting an Education Technical Consultant to review, revise and adapt Continuous Professional Development (CPD) materials to improve and strengthen quality education for girls and children with disabilities.

We are seeking a Consultant to work with Plan International Sierra Leone’s GATE-GEC team and Plan International UK personnel to strengthen the study group component of the project by producing a policy document for ongoing CPD initiatives, revise existing CPD materials, develop additional materials and processes for effective study group practice and identify approaches that would enable more effective monitoring, mentoring and CPD processes.

The Terms of Reference (ToR) outlines the project and Consultancy requirements in detail. Please click on the link below to review the ToR. https://planinternationaluk-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/planukshare_plan-uk_org/EU19LXkGD3tHo6o-8gNnkK8BNuEAuzkNUcQPDYxcPyyvDw?e=8ybGeB

The successful candidate is required to demonstrate:

  • Extensive experience in designing innovative teacher professional development materials in development contexts
  • Significant thematic expertise in designing CPD programmes
  • Experience of adapting and improving education professional development interventions based on testing and learning
  • Expertise in mainstreaming gender and inclusion
  • Strong facilitation skills and demonstrable experience of designing and leading workshops to strengthen and develop CPD programmes

How to apply:

Plan International UK invites bids from Consultants with the experience and skills described in the ToR to submit the following application documents to maggie.shergill@plan-uk.org no later than 17.00 (GMT) on Tuesday, 30 April 2019. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.

Bids should include:

  • A CV including two examples of relevant previous work
  • A cover letter demonstrating how you meet the required skills and competencies
  • A short, written statement outlining your approach and potential challenges
  • A detailed budget with Consultancy fee rates all-inclusive
  • Two contactable references

Please direct any questions or requests for further information to maggie.shergill@plan-uk.org.

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